Maximum customer satisfaction is the main objective that Key Automation pursues over time through the continuous and timely improvement of its processes, products and services provided.

The Management is convinced that it is extremely important, for maximum customer satisfaction, as well as achieving the set objectives, also the support, involvement and satisfaction of everyone and at all levels within the Organization.

The founding principles of our organization are:

The centrality of the customer and his own needs: it is always necessary to aim at customer satisfaction and loyalty, with the aim of increasing the skills to deal with changing market situations, through timely and complete analysis processes, also of competitors and what is taking place in best-in-class companies, with particular attention to the changing market scenarios worldwide;

Considering innovation as the company’s trademark, having a positive approach to problems through the logic of team working, encouraging creativity and the spirit of innovation throughout the organization;

The importance of suppliers, pursued through solid and lasting partnerships with critical suppliers through a selection for reliability and authority, involving them in the implementation of development plans both in the design and production phases;

Orientation towards economic results and cost management in a logic of efficiency, punctually defining individual and team objectives, periodically checked and redefined.

360° quality orientation: all organizational aspects must aim at excellence and continuous improvement, through the implementation of a Quality Management System compliant with the requirements expressed by the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.

Also through the achievement of these objectives it is intended to create a company strongly focused on its customers, but also the creation of a new model of humanistic company: “a company that responds in the noblest way to all the rules of ethics, where the profit is achieved without damage or offense to anyone and part of it is used for any initiative capable of concretely improving the condition of human life, both internal and external to the company”.

It aspires to create an organization where all stakeholders are aware that its future is determined by everyone’s contribution.